Aberfeldie Primary School


Positive Behaviour

School-Wide Positive Behaviour - Parent Handbook


At Aberfeldie Primary School, we strive for calm, safe and structured classrooms where every child can flourish. To achieve this, one of the key initiatives we implement is School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

SWPBS is an evidence-based framework for schools for preventing and responding to student behaviour. Instead of using many different behaviour management strategies, a consistent system of expectations for all students is implemented. SWPBS practices include teaching behavioural expectations and acknowledging students for following them. It involves having a continuum of behaviour support that considers all students and emphasises prevention, rather than just reacting to inappropriate behaviour. 

At Aberfeldie, we have three school-wide expecations:

  1. We are Respectful
  2. We are Responsible
  3. We Try our Best

Below, is the school-wide behaviour matrix, outlining what these expectations look like in each setting.